Thursday, June 18, 2015

Think Win Win

Think Win Win

The fourth habit is Think Win-Win. Think win -win means it's not your way nor my way but it is a better way our way. 

This habit avoid competition and has everyone working together to become a winner. 

Think win-win isn't only about being nice have to find a way that you can get what you want and the other person can get what they want too.

Example of win-win is your mother gives you and your sister pie to share. Your sister cuts the cake and you get first choice of what side do you want. Your sister will cut the pie in half perfectly so you both get the same amount.😃

The opposite of win-win is win lose. This means one person gets what they want and the other person doesn't. An example of win lose would be your father gives you and your sister cake to share, but your sister cuts one piece bigger and one piece smaller. She takes the bigger piece and you are left with the smaller piece. That's a win- lose.😔

"You can stand tall without standing on someone. You can be a victor without having victims"-Harriet Woods 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Put First Things First

Put First Things First 

The third happy habit is Put first things first. This habit means, being clear about your priorities and doing them. That sounds pretty easy, but many people unknowingly fall into the trap of getting caught up in not doing what is important.

An example of Put first things first is, I very much wanted to go to the movies, but first things first I have a paper due tomorrow. 

"Doing more things faster is no substitute for doing the right thing" - Stephen Covey

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Begin with the end in mind

Begin with the end in mind 

The second happy habit is, Begin with the end in mind. This habit means make a plan ahead of time.



Let me start by taking a simple example of  Begin with the end in mind:  
Whenever I have to be somewhere, I tend to determine how that will happen by going through a set of questions to put together a plan to be there on time.

😀 What time do I have to be there?
😊 How long dose it take to get there?
😋 When do I have to leave?
😎 What do I have to bring?
😇 What do I have to wear and prepare to get ready?
😁 How long will it take to get ready?

A major example of Begin with the end in mind is, answering the most important question of my life "What do I want to be when I grow up?" My end goal is to be a doctor. How I Begin with the end in mind is by following a plan:
😃 Get good grades in every subject
😳 Always be on top of my assignments
😏 Improvise my critical thinking, problem solving, scientific facts, and math facts 
😎 Always show leadership in what I do

"Live out your imagination, not your history" - Stephen Covey

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Be Proactive

What does Be Proactive mean?

Today I will tell you what  does 1st habit "Be Proactive" mean. When you are proactive you set an example so people will follow your leadership. You must know that you're only in charge of yourself, not anybody else. 

Lets say, if everyone is talking all at once and you want it quieter, all you have to do is just stop telling people to be quiet and hush.  People will see that you are not talking, and they will stop talking. Soon it will be pin drop silence and, yay you made everyone quite and you were PROACTIVE too!!!

"Be the change 
You wish
To see in the world"  - M. Gandhi

Monday, June 8, 2015

The Leadership School

What makes my school so SPECIAL !

My school is based on leadership. This school teaches kids in the school how to be better leaders. Every 9 weeks, two kids one girl and one boy receive a special award, the leadership award. I got this award twice. What I like most about my school is that we learn the 7 habits of happy kids. I will explain all the 7 habits in depth throughout this week.

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more & become more...
             You are a Leader."    - John Quincy Adams

Sunday, May 31, 2015

My 1st Blog

Welcome to my 1st ever blog!!!

Why I've started blogging?

My dad has a blog which allows him to share his experiences. He told me I should start blogging like he use to. I never liked creative writing, but I was good at it. At first I thought this was a bad way to spend my summer, but after my dad set up my blog account and I have started typing I liked it a lot, so I have decided to start a daily blog!

Inspirational Quotes For Kids

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you chose." - Dr. Suess