Thursday, June 18, 2015

Think Win Win

Think Win Win

The fourth habit is Think Win-Win. Think win -win means it's not your way nor my way but it is a better way our way. 

This habit avoid competition and has everyone working together to become a winner. 

Think win-win isn't only about being nice have to find a way that you can get what you want and the other person can get what they want too.

Example of win-win is your mother gives you and your sister pie to share. Your sister cuts the cake and you get first choice of what side do you want. Your sister will cut the pie in half perfectly so you both get the same amount.😃

The opposite of win-win is win lose. This means one person gets what they want and the other person doesn't. An example of win lose would be your father gives you and your sister cake to share, but your sister cuts one piece bigger and one piece smaller. She takes the bigger piece and you are left with the smaller piece. That's a win- lose.😔

"You can stand tall without standing on someone. You can be a victor without having victims"-Harriet Woods 

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